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Higgs Gaming

Tongits Star - Pusoy ColorGame is an exciting and fun-filled card game that provides a unique gaming experience to Android users.

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Tongits Star

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Requires Android


Last Updated

September 3, 2023


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Tongits Star – Pusoy ColorGame is a popular Android game that has gained a lot of attention from card game enthusiasts. The game is developed by Higgs Games, and the packageId for the game is ‘com.higgs.tongitsstar.’ The gameplay involves players trying to form sets of cards in order to win rounds.

The objective of Tongits Star – Pusoy ColorGame is to be the first player to get rid of all their cards. Players can do this by forming sets of three or more cards with matching values. There are various types of sets that can be formed such as straight flushes, four-of-a-kind, full houses, etc. Each set has its own point value which determines who wins each round.

One unique feature of Tongits Star – Pusoy ColorGame is the ability to play with friends online. This allows players to compete against others from around the world in real-time matches. Additionally, there are daily challenges and tournaments where players can earn rewards and climb up leaderboards.

Overall, Tongits Star – Pusoy ColorGame offers an exciting and engaging card game experience for Android users. With its multiplayer capabilities and regular updates adding new features and content, it’s no wonder why so many people have become hooked on this addictive game.

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