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Grand Theft Auto MOD APK

Rockstar Games

'Grand Theft Auto: iFruit' is an action-packed open-world game that combines driving, shooting and adventure elements in a thrilling gameplay experience.

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Grand Theft Auto

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Requires Android


Last Updated

June 3, 2023


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Grand Theft Auto: iFruit is an Android game developed by Rockstar Games. The packageId of the game is ‘com.rockstargames.ifruit’. This action-packed game has been designed to provide users with a thrilling gaming experience on their mobile devices. It comes packed with various features that make it one of the best games available for Android.

One of the most exciting aspects of Grand Theft Auto: iFruit is its graphics and sound effects. The visuals are stunning, and players will feel like they’re in a real-life city while playing this game. Additionally, the sound effects add to the overall excitement and immersion factor of the gameplay.

Another great feature of this game is its storyline. Players take on the role of Franklin Clinton, who works as a repo man alongside his friend Lamar Davis in Los Santos. As they progress through the game’s missions, they encounter various characters and scenarios that keep them engaged and entertained.

Players can also customize their vehicles using the iFruit app within the game. They can choose from different colors, wheels, tires, and other accessories to create unique cars that stand out on the streets of Los Santos.

Overall, Grand Theft Auto: iFruit is an excellent choice for anyone looking for an action-packed adventure on their Android device. With its impressive graphics, engaging storyline, and customization options, it’s easy to see why so many people love this game!

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