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Beat the Boss 4 MOD APK


Game Hive Corporation

Beat the Boss 4: Buddy Kick is an action-packed game where players can unleash their anger and frustration on a virtual boss character.

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Beat the Boss 4

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157.8 MB

Requires Android


Last Updated

August 29, 2023


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Beat the Boss 4: Buddy Kick is an exciting Android game that allows players to relieve their stress by beating up a virtual boss. The packageId of this game is ‘com.gamehivecorp.beattheboss4’. It has gained immense popularity among gamers due to its unique concept and engaging gameplay.

The game features various weapons, including guns, grenades, and even a flamethrower, which can be used to inflict damage on the boss. Players can also customize their character’s appearance with different outfits and accessories. The graphics are top-notch, making the experience more realistic and enjoyable.

One of the most interesting aspects of Beat the Boss 4: Buddy Kick is the ability to invite friends to join in on the fun. This feature adds a competitive element as players try to outdo each other by dealing more damage to the boss. Additionally, there are daily challenges and rewards that keep players engaged and motivated.

Overall, Beat the Boss 4: Buddy Kick is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a fun way to blow off steam. Its addictive gameplay, stunning visuals, and social elements make it one of the best games available on Android devices today.

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