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Superuser is an app that allows users to gain root access on their Android device, giving them complete control over the system and allowing them to customize it in ways not possible with standard user permissions.

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Requires Android


Last Updated

August 11, 2023


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Superuser is an Android app that enables users to manage root access on their devices. The packageId of the app is ‘’. Rooting your device gives you administrative privileges, allowing you to modify system files and settings that are not normally accessible. However, this can also make your device vulnerable to security threats if not managed properly.

With Superuser installed on your device, you can control which apps have access to root permissions. When an app requests superuser access, a pop-up notification will appear asking for permission. You can then choose whether or not to grant it. This feature helps prevent malicious apps from gaining unauthorized access to sensitive data on your device.

Another useful feature of Superuser is its logging functionality. The app keeps track of all superuser requests and displays them in a log file. This allows you to see which apps have been granted root access and when they were accessed. If you notice any suspicious activity in the log file, you can revoke superuser permissions for that particular app.

Overall, Superuser is a must-have app for anyone who has rooted their Android device. It provides a simple yet effective way to manage superuser access and keep your device secure from potential threats. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Superuser makes managing root access easy and hassle-free.

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