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Siine Shortcut Keyboard APK

Siine Ltd

Siine Shortcut Keyboard is an innovative keyboard app that allows users to personalize their typing experience with shortcuts and customizable gestures.

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Siine Shortcut Keyboard

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Requires Android


Last Updated

November 4, 2023


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Siine Shortcut Keyboard is an Android app that offers a unique and innovative way of typing on your smartphone. The app provides users with a customized keyboard that has built-in shortcuts for commonly used phrases, words, and expressions. This feature allows users to type faster and more efficiently by reducing the amount of time spent typing out long messages or emails.

The Siine Shortcut Keyboard also comes with a variety of themes and customization options, allowing users to personalize their keyboard according to their preferences. Additionally, the app supports multiple languages, making it accessible to people from different parts of the world.

One standout feature of this app is its ability to integrate with other messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Twitter. This means that you can use the Siine Shortcut Keyboard while using any of these apps without having to switch back and forth between keyboards.

Overall, if you’re looking for a fast and efficient way to type on your Android device, then Siine Shortcut Keyboard might be just what you need. With its customizable features and built-in shortcuts, this app makes texting and emailing easier than ever before.

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