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PelisGratis is a free Android app that allows users to stream and download movies and TV shows in Spanish.

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Requires Android


Last Updated

August 1, 2023


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PelisGratis is an Android app that allows users to watch movies and TV shows for free. The packageId of the app is ‘’. This app has a vast collection of movies and TV shows from different genres, including action, romance, comedy, thriller, horror, drama, and more. Users can easily search for their favorite movies or TV shows by using the search bar within the app.

One of the best features of PelisGratis is that it provides high-quality video streaming with minimal buffering time. This means that users can enjoy watching their favorite movies or TV shows without any interruptions. Additionally, this app also supports subtitles in various languages which makes it easier for non-native speakers to understand the content.

Another great thing about PelisGratis is its user-friendly interface. It’s easy to navigate through different categories and find what you’re looking for quickly. Moreover, users can create their own playlists and save their favorite movies or TV shows to watch later.

Overall, PelisGratis is a fantastic Android app for movie lovers who want to watch their favorite films and TV series on-the-go. With its extensive library of content, high-quality video streaming capabilities, support for multiple languages subtitles, and user-friendly interface make it one of the most popular apps among movie enthusiasts worldwide.

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