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Pasig Pass (Unofficial) APK

Karl Jamoralin

Pasig Pass (Unofficial) is an Android app that provides users with a digital copy of their vaccination certificate for COVID-19 in Pasig City, Philippines.

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Pasig Pass (Unofficial)

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Last Updated

July 11, 2023


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Pasig Pass (Unofficial) is an Android application that provides users with a convenient way to access the Pasig City government’s online services. The app aims to simplify the process of applying for permits, paying taxes and bills, and accessing other important information related to city governance.

The packageId of this app is ‘com.karlsj.pasig.pass’, which can be easily downloaded from Google Play Store. Once installed on your device, you can use it as a one-stop-shop for all your needs related to Pasig City government services. It has a user-friendly interface that allows easy navigation through various sections like Business Permits and Licensing Office, Treasury Department, Engineering Department, among others.

One of the most significant features of this app is its ability to provide real-time updates on traffic conditions within the city. This feature helps commuters plan their travel routes accordingly by avoiding congested areas or finding alternative routes during peak hours.

Overall, Pasig Pass (Unofficial) is an excellent tool for anyone living in or visiting Pasig City who wants quick and easy access to essential government services. With its intuitive design and helpful features, it makes navigating city bureaucracy more manageable than ever before.

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