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Mydol APK

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Mydol is a personalized virtual idol app that allows users to create and interact with their own celebrity avatar.

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Requires Android


Last Updated

July 8, 2023


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Mydol is an Android app that allows users to create their virtual idol. The packageId of the app is ‘com.wacompany.mydol.’ With this app, users can customize every aspect of their idol’s appearance, including hair color and style, eye shape and color, skin tone, clothing, accessories, and more.

The Mydol app also provides daily updates on various topics such as fashion trends, beauty tips, lifestyle advice, and entertainment news related to K-pop idols. Users can interact with other fans from around the world through chat rooms and forums dedicated to specific idols or groups.

One unique feature of Mydol is its ability to send personalized messages from a user’s chosen idol directly to their phone. These messages may include birthday wishes or words of encouragement during difficult times. This feature adds a personal touch to the fan-idol relationship that many fans appreciate.

Overall, Mydol is an excellent app for anyone who loves K-pop culture or wants to create their virtual celebrity crush. Its customization options and interactive features make it stand out among similar apps in the market.

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