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Mantra RD Service APK

Mantra Softech India Pvt Ltd

Mantra RD Service is an Android application that provides secure and reliable biometric authentication for various government schemes and services.

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Mantra RD Service

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Requires Android


Last Updated

September 20, 2023


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Mantra RD Service is an Android app that has been designed to provide a reliable and secure way of accessing various services on the Mantra devices. The app has been developed by Mantra Softech India Pvt Ltd, which is known for its innovative solutions in the field of biometric technology. The packageId of this app is ‘com.mantra.rdservice’.

One of the most significant features of this app is its ability to enable access to different services using various types of biometric authentication like fingerprint, iris scan or facial recognition. This makes it easy for users to access their accounts securely without having to remember complex passwords or PINs.

The Mantra RD Service App also provides seamless integration with other applications on your device, making it easier for you to use these apps while still maintaining security protocols. Additionally, the app offers real-time updates and notifications about any changes made to your account or device settings.

Overall, if you are looking for a reliable and secure way to access various services on your Mantra device, then the Mantra RD Service App is definitely worth considering. With its advanced biometric authentication capabilities and seamless integration with other apps, this app can help make your life easier while ensuring maximum security at all times.

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