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Link to Windows APK

Microsoft Corporation

'Link to Windows' is an Android app that allows users to connect their phone with a Windows PC for seamless integration and file sharing.

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Link to Windows

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Requires Android


Last Updated

October 3, 2023


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Link to Windows is an Android app developed by Microsoft that allows users to connect their Android phone with their Windows 10 PC. This app enables seamless integration between the two devices, allowing users to access their phone’s content directly from their computer. With Link to Windows, users can send and receive text messages, make calls, view notifications, and transfer files without having to switch back and forth between devices.

The packageId of the App is ‘’, which means it is managed by Microsoft’s App Manager service. The app requires a minimum operating system version of Android 7.0 (Nougat) or higher and has received positive reviews from its users on the Google Play Store.

One of the key features of Link to Windows is its ability to mirror your Android device screen on your PC. This feature comes in handy when you need to present something on your phone during a meeting or want to watch a video on a larger screen. Additionally, the app also supports multi-tasking capabilities where you can run multiple apps simultaneously while connected to your PC.

In summary, Link to Windows is an essential tool for anyone who uses both an Android phone and a Windows 10 PC regularly. It simplifies communication between the two devices and provides easy access to all your important data right from your desktop. With this app installed on your phone, you’ll never have to worry about missing out on any important notifications or messages again.

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