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Lens Buddy APK

Chatta Nimor

Lens Buddy is an all-in-one camera app that enhances your mobile photography experience with advanced features and filters.

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Lens Buddy

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Requires Android


Last Updated

December 14, 2023


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Lens Buddy is an Android app that has been designed to make taking selfies a lot easier and more convenient. The packageId of the app is ‘com.lensbuddycam.selfcamtimercam’. With this app, users can take pictures using their phone’s rear camera without having to hold it in their hands.

One of the most remarkable features of Lens Buddy is its self-timer function. This feature allows users to set a timer for up to 30 seconds before taking a picture. Once the timer runs out, the camera will automatically snap a photo. This means that you no longer have to rush into position or ask someone else to take your picture for you.

Another impressive feature of Lens Buddy is its ability to detect faces and adjust focus accordingly. This ensures that all photos taken with this app are crisp and clear, even if they’re taken from awkward angles.

The user interface of Lens Buddy is also very intuitive and easy-to-use. Users can easily switch between different modes (e.g., front-facing camera vs rear-facing camera), adjust settings like exposure and white balance, and access other advanced features such as burst mode and HDR photography.

Overall, Lens Buddy is an excellent choice for anyone who loves taking selfies but hates dealing with the hassle of holding their phone steady or asking strangers for help. It’s simple yet powerful, making it perfect for both casual users and professional photographers alike.

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