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Every Proxy APK

Gorilla Software LLP

Every Proxy is an android app that allows users to access blocked websites and apps by providing a proxy server.

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Every Proxy

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Requires Android


Last Updated

October 7, 2023


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Every Proxy is an Android application that allows users to access blocked websites and content by using a proxy server. The app provides a simple interface for users to connect to different servers, each with its own unique IP address. This means that users can browse the internet anonymously without revealing their location or identity.

One of the key features of Every Proxy is its ability to bypass firewalls and other network restrictions. Users can easily switch between different servers located in various countries, allowing them to access geo-restricted content such as streaming services or social media platforms that may be blocked in their region.

The app also offers advanced settings for more experienced users who want greater control over their browsing experience. These include options such as customizing DNS settings, configuring HTTP headers, and setting up SSL encryption.

Overall, Every Proxy is a useful tool for anyone looking to bypass online censorship and protect their privacy while browsing the internet on their Android device. Its intuitive interface and wide range of features make it a great choice for both casual and power users alike.

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