Ministry Of Interior - Qatar

EHTERAZ is a contact tracing app developed by the Qatari government to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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Last Updated

July 14, 2023


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EHTERAZ is an Android app that has been developed by the Ministry of Interior, Qatar. The packageId of the app is ‘’. EHTERAZ stands for “precaution” in Arabic and it has been designed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Qatar. It is a mandatory application for all residents and citizens living in Qatar.

The EHTERAZ app serves as a digital health passport that allows users to show their vaccination status or negative PCR test results when entering public places such as malls, restaurants, etc. This helps authorities track people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and those who are at risk of contracting the virus.

Apart from serving as a digital health passport, EHTERAZ also provides real-time information on the number of active cases in Qatar, quarantine guidelines, testing centers locations, and other important details related to COVID-19. Users can also use the app to report any suspected cases of COVID-19 or violations of precautionary measures.

Overall, EHTERAZ is an essential tool in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in Qatar. Its user-friendly interface and features make it easy for residents and citizens to stay informed about the latest updates on the pandemic while helping them comply with safety regulations set by authorities.

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