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Chutti TV APK

Potatolive LLP

Chutti TV is an educational and entertaining app for children, featuring a variety of animated shows, games, and activities.

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Chutti TV

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Requires Android


Last Updated

July 8, 2023


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Chutti TV is an Android app that provides a vast collection of children’s content, including cartoons, educational shows, and movies. The packageId of the app is ‘potatolive.socialtv.chuttitv.’ With Chutti TV, parents can keep their kids entertained while also ensuring they are learning something new.

The app offers a user-friendly interface with easy navigation for both adults and children. Kids can easily browse through different categories such as action, adventure, comedy, drama, education, and more to find their favorite show or movie. Parents can set up parental controls to restrict access to certain content based on age ratings.

One unique feature of Chutti TV is its ability to provide live streaming of popular Indian television channels like Pogo and Cartoon Network. This allows kids to watch their favorite shows in real-time without having to wait for them to air on regular cable television.

Overall, Chutti TV is an excellent entertainment option for families looking for kid-friendly content on-the-go. Its extensive library of shows and movies coupled with live streaming capabilities makes it the perfect companion for long car rides or plane trips.

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