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91 Launcher Pro APK

Felink TC

'91 Launcher Pro' is an Android app that offers a customizable and efficient launcher experience for your smartphone.

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91 Launcher Pro

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Requires Android


Last Updated

July 3, 2023


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91 Launcher Pro is a popular Android app that provides users with a highly customizable home screen experience. With over 10 million downloads, it has become one of the most trusted and reliable launchers for Android devices. The packageId of this app is ‘com.felink.android.launcher91’.

One of the key features of 91 Launcher Pro is its extensive customization options. Users can personalize their home screens by choosing from hundreds of different themes, wallpapers, icons, and widgets. The launcher also allows users to customize their app drawer, folders, and gestures.

Another great feature of 91 Launcher Pro is its speed and performance. It offers smooth transitions between screens and quick access to frequently used apps. Additionally, the app uses minimal system resources which helps in saving battery life.

The launcher also comes equipped with various security features such as password protection for individual apps and hidden folders to keep your private information safe. Moreover, there are many other useful tools like weather forecasts, news updates, memory boosters etc., all integrated within the app.

Overall, if you’re looking for an efficient and customizable launcher for your Android device then 91 Launcher Pro could be an excellent choice for you. Its user-friendly interface combined with advanced customization options makes it stand out among other similar apps available on Google Play Store.

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