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4G LTE Only Mode APK


Gigantic Apps

The '4G LTE Only Mode' app allows users to force their Android device to use only 4G LTE network for faster internet speed and better call quality.

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4G LTE Only Mode

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5.4 MB

Requires Android


Last Updated

September 23, 2023


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4G LTE Only Mode is an Android application that allows users to switch their mobile network connection from 3G or 2G to 4G LTE only. This app comes in handy for people who live in areas with weak signals, as it helps them get a faster and more reliable internet connection. The packageId of the app is ‘com.alpha.lte4g’.

The app’s interface is simple and easy to use. Users can easily toggle between different modes such as “LTE Only,” “WCDMA Only” or “Automatic.” Once they select the desired mode, the app will automatically set the phone’s network settings accordingly.

One of the best features of this app is its ability to save battery life by disabling unnecessary services like GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and others when not needed. This feature ensures that your phone consumes less power while still providing you with fast internet speeds.

Overall, 4G LTE Only Mode is a useful tool for anyone looking to improve their mobile data experience on Android devices. It provides quick access to important network settings and offers various options to optimize your device’s performance without sacrificing battery life. So if you’re tired of slow internet speeds on your smartphone, give this app a try!

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