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Zapya APK


Dewmobile, Inc.

Zapya is a fast and easy-to-use file transfer and sharing app for Android devices.

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25.5 MB

Requires Android


Last Updated

January 7, 2024


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Zapya is a popular Android app that allows users to transfer files and share them with others. With over 500 million downloads, Zapya has become one of the most widely used file sharing apps on the market. The app is designed for quick and easy file transfers between devices, without requiring any cables or internet connection.

One of the key features of Zapya is its ability to transfer large files quickly. Users can send photos, videos, music, documents, and other types of files in just seconds. This makes it ideal for sharing media content with friends and family members who may not have access to high-speed internet connections.

Another great feature of Zapya is its support for multiple languages. The app supports more than 20 different languages, making it accessible to people all around the world. Whether you speak English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic or any other language supported by Zapya, you’ll be able to use the app with ease.

Overall, if you’re looking for an efficient way to transfer files between your Android device and other devices like smartphones or laptops then look no further than Zapya – File Transfer Share! It’s free to download from Google Play Store under packageId ‘’ so give it a try today and see how much easier file-sharing can be!

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