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TextMe, Inc.

Text Me: Second Phone Number is an android app that provides users with a second phone number for texting and calling purposes.

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Requires Android


Last Updated

September 16, 2023


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Text Me: Second Phone Number is an Android app that allows users to have a second phone number on their device. This can be useful for people who want to keep their personal and work lives separate, or for those who don’t want to give out their real phone number to strangers. The app provides users with a free US or Canadian phone number, which they can use to make calls and send text messages.

One of the standout features of Text Me: Second Phone Number is its ability to allow users to call and text anyone in the world without any additional charges. All you need is an internet connection, and you’re good to go. Additionally, the app offers various customization options such as personalized voicemail greetings, custom ringtone selection, and more.

The app also boasts strong security measures by encrypting all communications between users. Moreover, it has a built-in spam blocker feature that filters unwanted messages from unknown numbers automatically. With over 50 million downloads worldwide, Text Me: Second Phone Number is one of the most popular apps in this category.

Overall, if you’re looking for an easy-to-use solution that lets you create a second phone number without any hassle or extra costs, then Text Me: Second Phone Number should definitely be on your radar. Its user-friendly interface combined with robust security features makes it a great choice for anyone looking for privacy and convenience when communicating via mobile devices.

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