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Screen Translate is an android app that allows users to instantly translate any text on their screen with just a tap.

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Screen Translate

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Requires Android


Last Updated

August 11, 2023


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Screen Translate is an Android app that allows users to translate text on their screen in real-time. The packageId of the app is ‘’. This app is perfect for those who are traveling abroad or need to communicate with someone who speaks a different language.

One of the key features of Screen Translate is its ability to recognize and translate text from any application on your phone. Whether you’re browsing the web, reading emails, or using social media apps, Screen Translate can help you understand foreign languages without having to switch back and forth between translation apps.

Another great feature of this app is its support for over 100 languages. No matter where you go in the world, chances are high that Screen Translate will be able to assist you in communicating effectively with people around you. Additionally, it has voice recognition technology which makes translating speech even easier.

Overall, Screen Translate is a powerful tool for anyone who needs instant translations while using their smartphone. Its intuitive interface and robust set of features make it one of the best translation apps available today.

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