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'Root Checker Pro' is an android app that helps users to verify if their device has root access or not.

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Root Checker Pro

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Requires Android


Last Updated

September 17, 2023


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Root Checker Pro is an Android app that helps users check if their device has root access or not. The packageId of the app is ‘’, which means it can be easily identified and downloaded from the Google Play Store. This app comes in handy for those who have rooted their devices or are planning to do so.

The Root Checker Pro app provides a simple interface with easy-to-understand instructions on how to use it. Once installed, users simply need to open the app and click on the “Check” button to determine whether their device has root access or not. If the device does have root access, the app will display a message confirming this fact along with other details such as the name of the superuser application being used.

Another useful feature of Root Checker Pro is its ability to troubleshoot any issues related to rooting. For instance, if a user encounters problems while trying to install custom ROMs or apps after rooting their device, they can use this app to identify what might be causing these issues. It also offers suggestions on how to fix them.

Overall, Root Checker Pro is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to ensure that their Android device has been successfully rooted and is functioning properly. Its ease-of-use and helpful features make it one of the best apps available for checking root status on Android devices.

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