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Open Camera APK


Mark Harman

Open Camera is a free, open-source camera app for Android devices with advanced features and settings.

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Open Camera

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4.9 MB

Requires Android


Last Updated

September 21, 2023


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Open Camera is a free and open-source camera app for Android devices. The packageId of the app is ‘net.sourceforge.opencamera’. It offers a wide range of features that are not available in the default camera app on most Android devices. Open Camera has been downloaded over 10 million times from the Google Play Store, which speaks to its popularity among users.

One of the key features of Open Camera is its ability to shoot photos and videos in RAW format. This feature allows users to capture images with more detail and color accuracy than JPEG files. Additionally, Open Camera provides manual controls for focus, ISO, shutter speed, white balance, and exposure compensation. These settings can be adjusted by swiping up or down on the screen while taking a photo or video.

Another useful feature of Open Camera is its support for external microphones. Users can connect an external microphone through their device’s headphone jack or USB port to record high-quality audio alongside their videos. The app also includes a timer function, burst mode, HDR mode, and panorama mode.

Overall, Open Camera is a powerful camera app that gives users greater control over their photography experience. Its open-source nature ensures that it will continue to receive updates and improvements from developers around the world. If you’re looking for an alternative to your phone’s default camera app, give Open Camera a try!

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