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NotJustAnalytics APK

Magno Hack

NotJustAnalytics is an android app that helps users analyze their social media followers and engagement in a comprehensive way.

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Last Updated

August 14, 2023


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NotJustAnalytics – Followers & is an Android app designed to help users track their social media followers and engagement. The packageId of the app is ‘com.magnohack.ninjalitics’. This app provides a comprehensive analysis of your Instagram account, including follower growth, post performance, and audience demographics.

With NotJustAnalytics – Followers &, you can easily monitor your followers’ behavior on Instagram. You can see who has followed or unfollowed you recently, as well as which posts are performing best in terms of likes and comments. Additionally, this app allows you to analyze your audience’s interests and demographics so that you can tailor your content accordingly.

One unique feature of NotJustAnalytics – Followers & is its ability to provide insights into your competitors’ accounts. By analyzing other accounts in your niche, you can gain valuable information about what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to engaging with your target audience.

Overall, if you’re serious about growing your social media presence on Instagram, then NotJustAnalytics – Followers & is definitely worth checking out. Its powerful analytics tools will give you the edge you need to stay ahead of the competition and build a loyal following over time.

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