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Modern Rickshaw Driving Games APK

Jima Apps

Experience the thrill of driving a modern rickshaw through busy city streets in this exciting Android game.

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Modern Rickshaw Driving Games

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Requires Android


Last Updated

August 23, 2023


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Modern Rickshaw Driving Games is an exciting Android game that allows players to experience the thrill of driving a rickshaw in a modern city. The packageId of the game is ‘’, and it has been developed by Jima Apps, which is known for creating high-quality simulation games.

In this game, players have to drive their rickshaws through busy streets, avoiding obstacles and other vehicles. They can choose from different types of rickshaws, each with its own unique features and capabilities. Players also have the option to customize their rickshaws with various upgrades such as engine power, brakes, tires, etc.

The graphics and sound effects of Modern Rickshaw Driving Games are top-notch, providing a realistic gaming experience. The controls are easy to use and intuitive, making it suitable for both novice and experienced gamers alike. There are several levels in the game, each with increasing difficulty levels that challenge players’ skills.

Overall, Modern Rickshaw Driving Games is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a fun and engaging driving simulator game on their Android device. It offers hours of entertainment and provides an immersive experience that will keep you coming back for more. So download it now and start your journey as a modern rickshaw driver!

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