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"Life is Strange" is a captivating narrative-driven game that follows the story of a teenage girl who discovers she has the power to rewind time and must navigate through complex relationships and difficult choices.

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Life is Strange

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Requires Android


Last Updated

August 5, 2023


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Life is Strange is an episodic adventure game developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix. The game was released in 2015 for various platforms, including Android devices with the packageId ‘com.squareenix.lis’. The game follows the story of a teenage girl named Maxine Caulfield who discovers she has the ability to rewind time.

The game’s narrative focuses on themes such as friendship, love, loss, and consequences. As players progress through each episode, they must make choices that affect the outcome of the story. These decisions can range from small dialogue options to major plot points that alter the course of events.

One unique feature of Life is Strange is its use of licensed music and realistic environments. Players can explore detailed locations such as a high school campus, a junkyard, and even a fictional town based on Oregon. The soundtrack features indie artists such as Syd Matters and Alt-J, adding to the game’s emotional impact.

Overall, Life is Strange received critical acclaim for its storytelling, characters, and gameplay mechanics. It won several awards at gaming conventions and spawned a prequel series titled Before the Storm. If you’re looking for an engaging adventure game with thought-provoking themes, Life is Strange should definitely be on your radar!

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