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Hotel Hideaway MOD APK

Sulake Oy

'Hotel Hideaway: Virtual World' is a social simulation game where players can explore, decorate, and interact with other users in a luxurious hotel setting.

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Hotel Hideaway

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Requires Android


Last Updated

October 27, 2023


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Hotel Hideaway: Virtual World is an immersive Android game that allows players to create their own avatar and explore a virtual world filled with exciting adventures. The game has been developed by Piispanen, and its packageId is ‘com.piispanen.hotelhideaway’. It offers a unique blend of social interaction, customization options, and mini-games that keep players engaged for hours.

One of the most impressive features of Hotel Hideaway: Virtual World is its stunning graphics. The developers have paid close attention to detail, creating a visually appealing environment that feels like a real-world hotel. Players can interact with other avatars in real-time, chat with them using emojis or text messages, and even make new friends from around the globe.

Another standout feature of this Android game is its extensive customization options. Players can design their own avatar from scratch, choosing everything from their hairstyle to clothing style. They can also decorate their hotel room with various furniture items and accessories to reflect their personal taste.

The game also includes several mini-games such as pool parties, karaoke nights, and dance-offs that add excitement to the gameplay experience. These games are designed to be easy-to-play yet challenging enough to keep players hooked.

Overall, Hotel Hideaway: Virtual World is an excellent choice for anyone looking for an engaging Android game that combines social interaction with customization options and fun mini-games. Its packageId ‘com.piispanen.hotelhideaway’ makes it easy for users to download and start playing right away!

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