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GrooVe IP VoIP Calls & Text APK

snrb Labs

GrooVe IP VoIP Calls & Text is an Android app that allows users to make calls and send texts over the internet using their Google Voice account.

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GrooVe IP VoIP Calls & Text

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Last Updated

August 2, 2023


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GrooVe IP VoIP Calls & Text is an Android app that allows users to make phone calls and send text messages using their internet connection. With this app, users can save money on their mobile bills by making international calls at a fraction of the cost charged by traditional carriers.

The app uses Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology to route calls through the internet instead of traditional telephone lines. This means that as long as you have a stable internet connection, you can make crystal-clear voice and video calls without any interruption or lag.

One unique feature of GrooVe IP is that it integrates with Google Voice, allowing users to use their existing Google Voice number for all outgoing calls and texts. This makes it easy to keep your contacts organized and ensures that your friends and family always recognize your caller ID.

Overall, GrooVe IP is an excellent choice for anyone looking to save money on their mobile bill while still enjoying high-quality calling and texting features. Its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with Google Voice make it a top pick among Android users worldwide.

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