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Easy Urdu Keyboard اردو Editor APK


Easy Urdu Keyboard is an android app that allows users to type in Urdu language with ease and convenience.

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Easy Urdu Keyboard اردو Editor

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Requires Android


Last Updated

September 8, 2023


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Easy Urdu Keyboard اردو Editor is an Android app that allows users to easily type in the Urdu language. The app has a simple and user-friendly interface, making it easy for anyone to use. It offers a variety of features such as auto-correct, prediction, and suggestion tools to make typing even easier.

One of the standout features of Easy Urdu Keyboard اردو Editor is its ability to convert English text into Urdu with just one click. This feature makes it perfect for those who are not fluent in Urdu but still want to communicate effectively in the language. Additionally, the app also includes a built-in dictionary that helps users find the correct spelling and meaning of words.

The app supports both phonetic and standard keyboard layouts, allowing users to choose their preferred method of typing. Users can also customize the keyboard by choosing from various themes available within the app. The packageId ‘com.pakdata.easyurdu’ ensures that this application is authentic and reliable.

Overall, Easy Urdu Keyboard اردو Editor is an excellent tool for anyone looking to improve their proficiency in writing or communicating in Urdu. Its intuitive design and powerful features make it a must-have app for any person interested in learning or using this beautiful language on their mobile device.

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