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Easy Scroll APK

Jetpof Apps2

"Easy Scroll is an android app that allows for automatic scrolling of websites and documents with ease."

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Easy Scroll

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Requires Android


Last Updated

August 7, 2023


0 / 5. Vote count: 0

Easy Scroll is an Android application that makes scrolling through your device a breeze. With this app, you can easily scroll through long documents and web pages without having to manually swipe the screen continuously. Easy Scroll uses an automatic scroll feature which allows users to set their preferred speed for scrolling.

The packageId of the app is ‘jettoast.easyscroll’. This means that it is developed by JetToast, a company known for developing user-friendly apps. The Easy Scroll app has received positive reviews from its users who have found it very helpful in navigating through lengthy texts on their devices.

One of the best features of Easy Scroll is its ability to work with any application installed on your device. Whether you’re reading an article online or going through social media feeds, you can use this app to make scrolling easier and faster. Additionally, the app comes with customizable settings so that you can adjust the scrolling speed according to your preference.

Overall, if you are someone who spends a lot of time reading on your phone or tablet, then Easy Scroll could be just what you need. It saves time and effort while making navigation smoother than ever before. So why not give it a try? Download the app today from Google Play Store and experience seamless scrolling like never before!

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