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Crop n' Square is a user-friendly android app that allows you to easily crop images into a square shape.

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Crop n' Square

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Arts & Design  

Requires Android


Last Updated

November 14, 2023


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Crop n’ Square is an Android app that allows users to easily crop their images into a square format. This app is perfect for those who want to post pictures on social media platforms like Instagram, where the standard image size is square. With Crop n’ Square, you can quickly and effortlessly transform any photo into a perfectly cropped square.

The user interface of this app is simple and intuitive, making it easy for anyone to use. All you need to do is select the image you want to crop and then choose the aspect ratio you prefer. You can either manually adjust the cropping area or use one of the preset ratios available in the app. Once you are happy with your selection, just hit “crop” and your new square image will be ready in no time!

One great feature of Crop n’ Square is its ability to maintain high-quality resolution even after cropping. This means that your photos will still look sharp and clear even when they are reduced in size to fit within a square frame. Additionally, this app also offers various filters and editing tools so that you can enhance your images before sharing them with others.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for an easy-to-use tool for cropping images into squares, Crop n’ Square is definitely worth checking out! Its straightforward interface combined with its advanced features make it an excellent choice for both amateur photographers and professionals alike. The packageId of this amazing application is ‘com.devnamic.square’.

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