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Fat Pebble

Clay Jam is a fun and addictive mobile game where players roll, squish, and mold clay to save a world from the evil Bully Beasts.

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Clay Jam

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Requires Android


Last Updated

June 26, 2023


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Clay Jam is a popular Android game developed by Zynga and Fat Pebble. The game features an adorable clay world where players roll, squish, and flatten their way through various levels to save the land from being taken over by evil monsters. The packageId of the game is ‘com.zynga.fatpebble.clayjam’.

The gameplay of Clay Jam is simple yet addictive. Players control a ball made out of clay that rolls down hills and crushes everything in its path. The goal is to collect as many resources as possible while avoiding obstacles such as rocks, trees, and other creatures. As players progress through each level, they can unlock new characters with unique abilities that help them complete challenges.

One of the standout features of Clay Jam is its stunning visuals. The entire game world is crafted out of real-life modeling clay which gives it a unique look and feel unlike any other mobile game on the market. Additionally, the sound effects are also top-notch and add to the overall immersive experience.

Overall, if you’re looking for a fun and engaging Android game with charming graphics and easy-to-learn mechanics, then Clay Jam should definitely be on your radar. With hours of content to explore and plenty of surprises along the way, this delightful title will keep you entertained for days on end!

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