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Cartrack GPS, Vehicle & Fleet APK

Cartrack Development Team

Cartrack GPS, Vehicle & Fleet is an advanced Android app designed to track and manage vehicles and fleets with real-time location updates.

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Cartrack GPS, Vehicle & Fleet

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Requires Android


Last Updated

August 13, 2023


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Cartrack GPS, Vehicle & Fleet is a comprehensive Android app that helps fleet managers and vehicle owners to track their vehicles in real-time. The app is designed to provide users with detailed information about the location of their cars, trucks, or any other type of vehicle they own. It also offers insights into driver behavior, fuel consumption, and maintenance schedules.

One of the key features of Cartrack GPS, Vehicle & Fleet is its ability to monitor multiple vehicles at once. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses with large fleets as well as individuals who want to keep tabs on all their family’s cars from one convenient location. With this app installed on your smartphone or tablet, you can easily view the current status of each vehicle including its speed, direction, and location history.

Another benefit of using Cartrack GPS, Vehicle & Fleet is that it provides alerts when certain events occur such as speeding or entering/exiting designated areas. These notifications are sent directly to your device so you can take immediate action if necessary. Additionally, the app allows you to set up geofences around specific locations which will trigger an alert if a vehicle enters or leaves that area.

Overall, Cartrack GPS, Vehicle & Fleet is an excellent tool for anyone looking to improve the efficiency and safety of their fleet operations. Its user-friendly interface and powerful tracking capabilities make it a must-have for any business owner or individual who wants complete control over their vehicles’ movements. So if you’re looking for a reliable solution for managing your fleet or personal vehicles then be sure to check out this amazing Android app today!

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