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Bisaya Tagalog Translator APK

Hunters Honey

Bisaya Tagalog Translator is an Android app that helps users translate words and phrases between the Bisaya and Tagalog languages.

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Bisaya Tagalog Translator

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Requires Android


Last Updated

November 19, 2023


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Bisaya Tagalog Translator is an Android app developed by Hunters Honey that helps users translate Bisaya to Tagalog and vice versa. The app has a simple interface, making it easy for even non-technical people to use. With this app, you can easily communicate with locals in the Philippines who speak either of these two languages.

The Bisaya Tagalog Translator app uses Google’s translation engine to provide accurate translations quickly. You don’t need an internet connection to use the app once you’ve downloaded it on your device. This makes it convenient for travelers who may not have access to Wi-Fi or mobile data while exploring different parts of the country.

One unique feature of this app is its ability to save frequently used phrases and words as favorites. This means that if there are specific phrases or sentences that you often use when communicating with locals, you can add them to your favorites list for quick access later on.

Overall, Bisaya Tagalog Translator is an excellent language tool for anyone traveling to the Philippines or working with Filipinos who speak either Bisaya or Tagalog. It’s free to download from the Google Play Store under packageId ‘com.huntershoney.bisayatagalog’, so why not give it a try?

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