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Accu​Battery APK



AccuBattery is an Android app that helps users monitor and optimize their battery usage by providing detailed information about the health of their battery.

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19.4 MB

Requires Android


Last Updated

November 24, 2023


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AccuBattery is an Android app that helps users monitor and optimize their battery usage. The app provides detailed information about the health of your battery, including its capacity, temperature, voltage, and charging speed. It also gives you estimates on how long your battery will last based on your current usage patterns.

One of the standout features of AccuBattery is its ability to track which apps are using the most power on your device. This can help you identify any rogue apps that may be draining your battery unnecessarily and take steps to reduce their impact. Additionally, AccuBattery offers a range of customizable alerts and notifications to help you manage your battery life more effectively.

Another great thing about AccuBattery is that it’s completely free to use with no ads or in-app purchases. However, there is a premium version available for those who want access to additional features such as detailed statistics and historical data tracking.

Overall, if you’re looking for a powerful yet user-friendly tool to help you get the most out of your Android device’s battery life, then AccuBattery is definitely worth checking out. With its comprehensive monitoring capabilities and helpful alerts, this app has everything you need to keep your phone running smoothly all day long.

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