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Government of Punjab

COVA Punjab is an official mobile application developed by the Government of Punjab to provide citizens with COVID-19 related information and services.

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COVA Punjab

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Last Updated

June 20, 2023


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COVA Punjab is an Android app developed by the government of Punjab, India. The app aims to provide citizens with access to various government services and information related to COVID-19. It has been designed as a one-stop solution for all the needs that people may have during the pandemic.

The COVA Punjab app provides real-time updates on the number of COVID-19 cases in the state along with details about containment zones and hospitals where treatment is available. Users can also use the app to book appointments for testing or vaccination at their nearest health center. Additionally, it offers features like e-passes for essential travel, emergency helpline numbers, and self-assessment tools to check if someone has symptoms of COVID-19.

One unique feature of COVA Punjab is its ability to track users’ movements through GPS technology. This helps authorities monitor whether people are following quarantine guidelines or not. However, this feature has raised concerns among privacy advocates who fear that such tracking could be used beyond the scope of controlling the pandemic.

Overall, COVA Punjab is an excellent initiative by the government of Punjab to help citizens navigate through these difficult times. While some aspects of the app need improvement, it remains a valuable resource for those living in the state.

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