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"All music" is an android app that allows users to access and stream a vast collection of music from various genres.

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All music

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Requires Android


Last Updated

September 27, 2023


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All Music is an Android app that offers a comprehensive collection of music from various genres and artists. The packageId for the app is ‘com.creative.allmusic’. It has a user-friendly interface with easy navigation options, making it effortless to search and stream your favorite tracks.

The app features high-quality audio playback, ensuring you get the best listening experience possible. You can also create personalized playlists or browse through curated ones based on moods, themes, or occasions. Additionally, All Music allows users to download songs for offline listening so that you can enjoy your tunes even without an internet connection.

One of the standout features of this app is its ability to suggest new music based on what you’ve listened to in the past. This feature helps users discover fresh content they may not have otherwise found while allowing them to expand their musical horizons.

Overall, if you’re looking for an all-in-one music streaming service that provides access to thousands of songs across different genres and languages, All Music might be just what you need. Its intuitive design and extensive library make it one of the most popular apps among music lovers worldwide.

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