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True Phone Dialer & Contacts APK

Hamster Beat

True Phone Dialer & Contacts is an intuitive and feature-packed Android app that provides a smart dialer, caller ID, call recorder, and contact management tools.

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True Phone Dialer & Contacts

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Requires Android


Last Updated

September 1, 2023


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True Phone Dialer & Contacts is an Android app that provides users with a comprehensive and intuitive dialing experience. The app has been designed to offer a range of features, including call blocking, caller ID, smart search, and more. With this app installed on your device, you can easily manage your contacts and make calls without any hassle.

One of the most notable features of True Phone Dialer & Contacts is its user-friendly interface. The app has a sleek design that makes it easy to navigate through different sections such as recent calls, favorites, and contacts. You can also customize the theme of the app by choosing from various color options available in the settings menu.

Another great feature of True Phone Dialer & Contacts is its ability to block unwanted calls. If you’re tired of receiving spam or telemarketing calls, then this app can help you get rid of them for good. You can add numbers to your blacklist so that they won’t be able to reach you anymore.

Overall, True Phone Dialer & Contacts is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a reliable dialing solution on their Android device. Whether you want to manage your contacts efficiently or block unwanted callers, this app has got you covered. So if you haven’t already tried it out, go ahead and give it a shot!

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